Home #nebpreps Dear Mullen

Dear Mullen


Dear Mullen:

We load up that bus one more time on Sunday. Make that five hour trip we love so much.

Lincoln has held a special place for us. But this trip will mean just a little bit more. The bleachers will be a little bigger, but we are excited.

We can’t wait to represent you, our town.

This is a trip we have dreamed about since we were little kids — since our dad’s taught us that if we work hard and we stick together we can do whatever we want. That we can accomplish more being on a Mullen Bronco team than we ever could on our own.

We need you to know that we couldn’t have done any of this without you, the people who supported us through all these years. When you show up on a Friday night (or a Monday morning) in your black and gold that means the world to us.

It taught us what you already know — that we are a true community, that we must all pull on the same rope to be successful and that no one person is bigger than all of us.

For that, we will always be grateful.

Zac Sweet makes a catch against Overton.

If you — or your kids — ever wore one of our helmets, we’ll play for you on Monday. We will play Mullen football to the best of our abilities. And we know that, win or lose, that’s all you’ll ask of us.

We will play that way for our coaches and teachers, too. The people who helped raise us, helped bring us up and spent so many hours they don’t get recognized for making us better people, better players.

So, before we do this one last time, we just need to say thanks. From our football team to you — our community and our fans.

Thanks for being there for us. Thanks for teaching us to do things the right way. To win and to lose with dignity and honor. To be the best we can be. All of those Sand Hills values we will never forget.

Always a Bronco,

Lane Edis


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