Home #nebpreps A Letter to my Teammates

A Letter to my Teammates


To my wonderful teammates and coaches. To the girls who have never left my side. To the girls who have supported me through the toughest times in my life. To the girls who push me to my limits, but love me no matter what.

To my best friends.

When this season began, we had a feeling it would be very different than any other season. We knew that we would have to work extremely hard if we wanted to be successful.

I remember the nerves and jittery excitement surrounding our first game; we didn’t know what the outcome would be because it was our very first time playing together as a team! We ended up beating both teams on opening night, kicking off this successful season.

As the season has progressed, this team has become something unforgettable. Every one of the girls on this team is a determined, hard working athlete. Each one has an incredible personality. All of our personalities combined make for some crazy times. There is endless laughter, shouting, and goofiness.

As many hilarious times as we have had, we also have had some pretty serious times, too. We are able to be there for one another when the going gets tough. I know I can lean on your shoulders when I am down; you all know exactly what to say to make me laugh again. You all understand that sometimes I just need a good scolding and then I will be back to normal. We can listen to each other’s problems and give advice, teammate-to-teammate, friend-to-friend.

Girls, you have no idea how much this team means to me. There is no greater feeling than playing the great game of volleyball with the people that I love. With each game, we learn lessons about athletics and life.

We learn to stay positive, even when negative things are happening around us. We learn to listen to correction, even if it seems like we may already know the answer. We learn to be happy for our teammates, even if we as an individual didn’t do the greatest. Lastly, we learn to keep fighting even when it seems impossible.

Each girl on this team has grown so much throughout this season, both as people and as athletes. Our team has grown as well. We have learned how to communicate effectively, we have improved on the basics, and we have developed more determination and desire to win with each and every game.

To the girls who are returning: I will be graduating at the end of this school year, along with the two other amazing seniors. Things will be different, but just like this year, I know you girls will work your way to the top. I know you girls will be the confident, strong, hard-working girls that God has made you to be. Remember to enjoy each moment and do not take this sport for granted. Laugh, yell, be goofy. Be there for each other, listen to one another’s problems, give good advice. Work hard, be determined, give God the glory.

To our parents and coaches: thank you for always pushing us to be the best we can be. Thank you for coming up with difficult drills that made the games easier. Thank you for giving up your time to make sure this team has success. Thank you for all your dedication and efforts to make this season wonderful.

Parents, I don’t think we thank you enough. Thank you for believing in us even when we didn’t believe in ourselves. Thank for cheering louder than anyone in the crowd. Thank you for running for the ice when we get bumps and bruises. Thank you for the countless neck massages after the long, five set games. And most importantly, thank you for loving us, even when we make it nearly impossible.

So again, thank you to everyone who has made this an unforgettable career. Thank you for laughing with me until it hurts, thank you for being the shoulders to cry on, thank you for always having my back, and thank you for an incredible season.

Much Love,

Taylor Quiring